Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Students nowadays

Really don't understand why students nowadays are so... (don't know want to use what adjective to describe them)
Tug-of-war is just a game... if lose, just accept it... why want to scold other people?
On the other hand, for those who win, why must you go and laugh at other classes?
They are really childish.
Win or lose is depends on your class's co-operation and skill. On the other hand, it also depends on fate.
Today I was so angry of my students who pointed their middle finger to the class who won them when that class won one of the rounds. Can't you all be more gentleman? Come on, it's just a game! Don't treat it so serious, ok?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Here again

Hi, everyone... I am here again. It's been such a long time I didn't blog here. I will use this blog to post something again. Hope you all enjoy it~ Do wait for my new post ya~ At last, thanks for viewing my blog